/> Adventures in Writing YA: Reading, Books and Holidays...

Tuesday 14 August 2012

Reading, Books and Holidays...

I love my postman, especially when he brings me books! This was my parcel from Red House last week:

I decided to spend some birthday money and get these books because since having Meningitis in June and not being able to read, I somehow got out of the habit. I had started The Girl Who Played With Fire as I loved Dragon Tattoo. and I'm sure I will love this one, but for now it's too heavy and I just can't get into it.

I've wanted to read 'Looking for Alaska' for ages and I know 'The Fault in Our Stars' will be the first book I delve into because I've heard so much about it. 'Debutantes' begged to be bought for it's beautiful cover alone, although as soon as it mentioned 'Pride & Prejudice' and 'Downton Abbey' I was sold! 'Slated' looks superb, and no book has made me cry quite as much as Suzanne LaFleur's last book 'Love Aubrey', so I couldn't resist her latest offering.

Whilst I fully anticipate having read and reviewed at least one of these books before I go away, I'm writing the next few posts and scheduling them in for the next couple of weeks as the time is finally here. My holiday! I've looked forward to this ever since I booked it in February! Me and my family are off to the Greek island of Corfu for two lazy weeks in the sun. Ok, it probably won't be quite as lazy and book filled as my holidays once were, pre-children. With 7 and 5 year olds our days will no doubt be filled with lots of sticky ice-creams, salt water and sand... but ahhhh I can't wait! For my worldwide fans who aren't aware of the beauty of Corfu, here's a picture:

So yeah... that's where I'll be for the next 2 weeks. I will have scheduled a couple of blog posts, so keep checking back every couple of days, but I'll probably be having a facebook & twitter free holiday and be coming home refreshed and ready to write! Keep safe, keep happy and keep reading!

1 comment:

  1. Hope you are having a great time. You are right Corfu looks beautiful.
