/> Adventures in Writing YA: September 2015

Tuesday 22 September 2015

Time Flies...

When you're having fun... And also when you're not! It also seems to constantly be on an upward trajectory. Each year goes faster than the last. In January I had a mild freak out when my eldest child turned 10! Today we were visiting a secondary school open morning, in preparation for submitting her senior school application next month! I watched her as we walked around the school, sauntering along behind me, her arms linked with her friends, chatting and completely unaware of how 'ready' she looked. Sometimes I watch her and think 'how on earth can she be ready for senior school?' But today I saw it, she was composed and confident. She amazes me everyday and it baffles me how my colicky baby turned into this beautiful, funny creature.

So this post isn't about writing, truth is I'm not writing at all this week. Time is flying by too fast; I have another open evening to attend tomorrow, I have guests arriving on Thursday and I'm going to Barcelona on Friday. My writing is important to me and I'll get back to it next week, in the mean time I'm going to ferry my kids all over the area to various activities and try and catch every special moment, file it away and catch extra cuddles while I can... Talking of which I can feel a Halloween party moment coming on!

Friday 18 September 2015

WitchWar Week Two

Phew! Am I glad it's Friday!

I didn't think I'd make it through the week on target as it's been really tough this week.
Yes this was me!
writing gif photo: Got Nothing Nick tumblr_mncy28MD4V1s7fwvqo1_500.gif

I've been in a bit of a writing slump and making it to the 2000 word target each day has been killer! But somehow I have done it! I have just finished now, at 2pm and my total word count is 20,010 words! Go me!

Here's a reminder...
'WitchFire', the prequel to the WitchBlood Series is currently FREE only for one more week and then it will be full price again!

Saturday 12 September 2015

Transforming Flying With Fire


So my first week back at writing went really well and I'm happy to say I completed my 10,000 words target! so my word count for WitchWar now stands at 10,161 words.

I have also been working on a new front cover for Flying With Fire. As FWF seems to fly below the radar of a lot of WitchBlood fans (& FWF is also a prequel with crossover characters) I have decided to rebrand it. This is going to mean a new title, which will be 'WitchFire' and a new cover.

Here is the cover, what do you think? I think it will fit in well with the others in the series.

Tuesday 8 September 2015

I am Writing!

You can't force yourself to write, at least I can't. I know some people... writers who suggest just knuckling down and putting pen to paper and writing anything until eventually the block will pass, but for me if I don't want to write I just can't write, and the last year has been so full of new things with moving to a new county, making new friends, settling in and more importantly settling the children in. On top of this I have a house which is tricky to keep on top off and where almost every room needs attention and decorating... don't even get me started on the state of the garden! Add into that a disappointing plumber that completely turned my dreams of a beautiful family bathroom into a stressful disaster zone that took hundred to fix and you have my mental state!

I began to come out the other side of my writing slump as we came into summer, but before I knew it, the kids had finished school and I hadn't made a start. Instead of return to my blog with false promises I decided to keep it to myself, enjoy the summer, but begin the planning process in my head. The kids went back to school last Thursday and I spent those two days clearing any admin... I even did my tax return four months early!! So on Monday with nothing in my way I made a start. My target is for 2000 words a day, 5 days a week; and so far I've done it!

I know I always said I wouldn't write another WitchBlood book, but I had a brilliant idea. An idea that couldn't be wasted! So hang on to your pants! There's going to be more witches, vampires, flying spells and fearsome fangs. It's 10 years on. Have Jess & Daniel made it?

I hope you'll be able to find that out soon, when WitchWar is published sometime before Christmas if all goes to plan.

In the meantime, if you haven't read Flying With Fire, you really need to, as there will be character crossover in WitchWar! Flying With Fire really is the prequel to WitchBlood and consequently I think I'll be re-branding it soon, so watch this space.

To finish here is a picture of Clary from the Mortal Instruments, but she depicts Brittany perfectly in the scene I just wrote this morning!

Image result for clary fray