/> Adventures in Writing YA: On Making Money...

Saturday 22 September 2012

On Making Money...

In a recent Amazon.com review for WitchCraft one reviewer put:

Ms. Mills, you need to charge more for your books. Great series. Likable characters. Fun adventures and much much more.

Now WitchCraft is actually my most expensive book priced at $2.99 or £1.53. Witchblood, the first instalment is only 99c / 77p and I've had many a raised eyebrow from friends and family at this pricing, when they see paperbacks on the shelves at £7.99. However, paperbacks cost a lot more to make as I'm just finding out. Currently I'm looking into using Createspace to turn the Witchblood series into paperback, which will hopefully be available on Amazon by the end of the year. The higher priced paperbacks are also generally well known names, classing themselves as 'published authors,' somehow when you self-publish this accreditation is much harder to come by and I do understand why!

However even compared to other indie authors my prices are indeed low, and especially with Witchblood I barely make any commission at all, but I think it's worth it. Currently I feel like a novice, I'm just learning my trade and hopefully gaining some fans along the way. It still amazes me every day, when I see 10 'likes' on a Wichblood Facebook post, from people I don't know and who live thousands of miles away. I think my writing is getting better with each book, I hope my proof readers, editors and such find less errors... that's the plan anyway! I'm trying to write the best stuff that I can, I'm spending much less time on marketing, twitter etc because I've come to believe that it's pretty pointless. I am much better spending my valuable time writing. You readers are my best chance of success, if you like my books leave me a review - I read all of them and try to learn from all of the constructive ones. Hopefully if you like my books you'll become a repeat reader or recommend me to a friend, and if you don't like it... well you've only spent 77p so it's not the end of the world is it?!

So maybe I will put my prices up a little in the future when I have a larger title list; but for now I'm just happy to have people trying my novels and taking a chance on a new, unknown author.


  1. Absolutely, many self-pubbed actually keep a book as free, usually the first in a series, in the hopes of attracting new readers who may not have taken a punt otherwise.

    On the assumption there'll be another freebie period on Witchblood when Witchlove comes out, make sure it gets on the FB page Free Kindle UK and the like :o)

  2. I know many self pubbers usually put their first book at 99cents or free. It's their loss leader. The low price isn't a risk to readers so they buy. If they like it, then they'll check out the rest of your books. Of course, in that scenario, it's helpful to have more books up. That's why I held off with my first book being 99cents. I wanted to wait until I had more to offer and make it my loss leader.

  3. I love the 99 cent books but free is good.but buy onamzon for my kindle is the best way to go .I've had my kindle 3 years now but I do still buy paperback .when u find a good sieries you want to to have it in paperback.Iam so waiting on 3 rd in this sieries. loveing it thanks cathye in Tennessee

    1. Glad you're liking them! Thanks Cathy. I'm also hoping to get them out in paperback in the New Year too!

  4. Your books are amazing and worth every penny paid and more xx

    1. Aw! Thank you. That is nice to read in the morning! :D
