/> Adventures in Writing YA: Genevieve - Cover Reveal

Wednesday 24 April 2013

Genevieve - Cover Reveal

Well guys... I don't now if you've noticed my word count widget on the blog but I've finished 'Genevieve' - the short story / Novelette. It is about 14000 words long... which would equate to about 50 pages I think, and because of its midget size it will have a midget price to match and be cheaper than a coffee!

I'm pretty pleased with how it's turned out... pre-edits... as it's my first attempt at writing short fiction and it's also the first time I've written in third person narrative. It's nice to get a deeper understanding of Sebastian and Eva, who are two favourite characters of mine and who we didn't see much of in WitchLove. Although I'll warn readers now that Genevieve is set in the French Revolution and is centred around two full-on, no holds barred vampires so things get a little bloody... and yes there is some sex too so whereas the Witchblood books are YA books age 14+ I would say Genevieve is New Adult say 16+... if you're a mum / mom and your teen wants to read it just pick it up and read it through first...

Now I've got to work on the blurb for Goodreads but I'll leave you with the cover. If you voted on my covers I chose the middle picture in the end because I felt it matched my other three covers nicely as they are all face forward images. I also took the French flag colour fading off as it was too messy! Hope you like it...