/> Adventures in Writing YA: Cover Reveal

Wednesday 25 June 2014

Cover Reveal

Finally I feel like I'm getting somewhere! I hope you like the cover, I think it juxtaposes the innocence of the young girl well against the deadly background!

Here is the Synopsis:

Nobody who enters Ravenwood school will ever be the same again.

Fifteen year old Brooke has been in care all her life. Now she finally has an adoptive family who don’t want to send her back to The Home; but their solution for her problems is much more dangerous.

A secret boarding school for possessed children. A boarding school where any unnatural behaviour will be stamped out. A boarding school with no escape; where witchcraft is punished and vampires are murdered in the sunlight.

Brooke is the only one with the power to escape the security wards, yet she must find a way to help them all before it is too late.

And here is a brief snippet:

‘Run! I’ll catch you later. Oh, and Brooke, don’t admit to anything! Ember wouldn’t want you to get in trouble and you really mustn't let the old witch think there’s even the tiniest chance you can get through those wards. Be careful!’ Blade whispered.

Brooke knocked on the door tentatively. The discussion with Blade had distracted her from her worries, but in the two minutes she stood waiting outside Mrs Willing’s room, Brooke had revisited them. Where were they keeping Brittany and Ember and when would they be allowed back to class? Erica’s words kept haunting her… punishable by death… and she had to keep shaking them away and telling herself she was being ridiculous.

Lastly here is the Goodreads link. I'd love it if you added my book to your lists and helped spread the word!

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