/> Adventures in Writing YA: Blogoversary Celebrations!

Wednesday 28 November 2012

Blogoversary Celebrations!

Wow! I can't quite believe it but here I am, one year on and in that time I have published my first two books and written two entire novels!

It was last November that I wrote my first blog post tracking my journey up to the decision to self publish on Kindle and aren't I happy that I did! I uploaded Witchblood on January 6th and began furiously writing the sequel WitchCraft which I uploaded in June. Today I have just finished writing WitchLove, the third and final part in the trilogy, and in doing so completed the NaNoWriMo challenge of writing 50,000 words in a month! Let the editing commence.

Before I started blogging I really had no idea of what it was all about and being a fairly shy person I baulked at the idea of keeping it going, but actually it has been really fun and I've met loads of great people: fellow writers, friends, bloggers and even dare I say it... fans! As I'm writing this my blog count stands at 20,503 hits and currently I'm averaging at about 100 hits day which is more than I ever expected. SO a huge thanks to everyone who has supported me along the way. It means a lot to me.

So to celebrate the end of a great year I promised I'd post an excerpt from WitchLove. You'll find it on the 'Excerpts/Trailer' page by the end of the night... remember it hasn't been edited yet ;)

Also instead of a giveaway I'm looking for another Beta reader to read through WitchLove and let me know if there are any inconsistencies. So if you want to get your hands on WitchLove before the publishing date and think you know the characters from my first two books inside out leave a comment below along with your location and I'll pick a random winner at the weekend. 


  1. Happy Blogoversary! It's it fun and crazy to look back and realize all you've accomplished? =)

  2. Congratulations and greetings from sunny (NOT) Manchester!!! All your hard work will pay off and it is greatly appreciated, ive read quite a few vampire series this year and this one has been the best by far as it gives a unique take on the typical vampire romance, i was gutted when i finished the second book! It was so good to read something new, and the characters are fantastic cant wait to find out how it ends! Well done, time for some feet up and chill time now xx

    1. Thanks Julie... it's sunny today though isn't it! :D

  3. Ooooh oooooh! Me me me me me me...... ;)

  4. Happy Blogoversary! Congratulations on all you have accomplished this past month and year with your novels!
    I am anxiously awaiting to read Witchlove <3 you left us on a cliff and I am trying not to fall off with this wait!

    Fort Lauderdale, Florida :)

  5. i cannot wait to read witchlove and would happily check it for you. i have read the first two this past day so they are fresh in my memory!

  6. I just finished reading both books and would love to read witchlove. I am in Lincoln Nebraska. I am an avid reader of the paranormal books. I have read well over 100 books this year and would really enjoy the opportunity.
    Kelli goodman

  7. I am an avid reader and came across your books via Amazon. It took me 2 days to purge through the books. I could not put my Kindle down. As I am a mother, and have a ton of responsibilities throughout the day; my expedited reading belays my feelings toward your writing. Thanks for making my days adventurous.
