/> Adventures in Writing YA: The Oldest Book On The Shelf Challenge 2012

Wednesday 4 January 2012

The Oldest Book On The Shelf Challenge 2012

Yes, I've joined another reading challenge...but it ties in with the other two so I don't need to read separate books LOL!

This one is about reading all those books you've bought with good intentions, and then never got around to reading! For obvious reasons, they can't be published this year, but as I have a backlog of 2010/11, or even earlier, books that's fine for me!

The books that come immediately to mind are Scott Westerfeld's 'Uglies' quartet. I've had the first three: Uglies, Pretties & Specials, sitting on my bookshelves for at least a year!!

If anyone else would like to join in, the URL is:

Off the top of my head my list currently stands at:

The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo - Stieg Larsson
The Immortals: BlueMoon - Alyson Noel

And waiting on my Kindle are:

Demon Day - Penelope Fletcher
Inner Demons - Sarra Cannon

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for signing up to our challenge! A great list too. I should probably add TGWTDT to my list, if only to see what the fuss is about.
