Reading is the creative centre of a writer's life. I take a book with me everywhere I go...The real importance of reading is that it creates an ease and intimacy with the process of writing. The more you read, the less apt you are to make a fool of yourself with your pen or word processor.
This is great news to me, as an avid reader. I can only hope that it is true and I don't make a fool of myself with my writing!
By the time you step into your writing space and close the door, you should have settled on a daily writing goal... I suggest a thousand words a day, and because I'm feeling magnanimous, I'll also suggest that you take one day off a week, at least to begin with. No more; you'll lose the urgency and immediacy of your story if you do.
However obvious this advice may seem to those sensible types out there, to me this was a revelation! It also explained the negative feedback I'd received from my agent in the summer, regarding a new YA I'd started - she said it felt disconnected. This was probably due to me doing exactly what Stephen King tells you to avoid - I would write a chapter one weekend, send it off and then wait two weeks for feedback, before starting the the next! No wonder it was fragmented!
So at 09:20 with this piece of advice in mind, I cleared the kitchen table, made myself a large mug of tea and
sat down in front of my laptop to make a start on WITCHCRAFT! First I re-read the 6000 odd words I had previously written, split it into two chapters, typed 'Chapter Three', and got to work!
By 11:00 I had the 1000 words required so I made another mug of tea and decided to do another hour before CSI came on! By twelve I had 1575 words, not bad for the first day back!
This is the last thing I wrote today:
‘Is that how little you think of me Eva? Yes, she got the book. She sucked us into some kind of vortex thing, and I risked everything to save that book by jumping out of what she called ‘ley-lines’. That’s how I broke my arm. I dislocated my shoulder too, but that went back,’ I added with a retch, as I remembered the sickening crack as it clicked back into place.
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